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From the After-School Superstars series, volume 3

by Claudia Mills ; illustrated by Grace Zong

Pub Date: Oct. 6th, 2020
ISBN: 978-0-8234-4628-5
Publisher: Margaret Ferguson/Holiday House

Everyone in third grader Lucy Lopez’s family has a “special thing”: Her mom practices salsa dancing, her dad loves gardening, and her older sister, Elena, is obsessed with computer coding.

Lucy’s not sure what her “thing” is yet, but the sisters have a club in which they try their hands at different skills to earn self-awarded merit badges, and Lucy can’t wait to find out what her “thing” will turn out to be! Lately, however, it seems as though all Elena wants to do is sit in front of a computer and work on her coding projects. Looking to connect, Lucy enrolls in an after-school coding camp with kids readers will recognize from other installments in the After-School Superstars series. Lucy is introduced to basic computer coding terms and concepts like algorithms, loops, and conditional statements. She is surprised when, instead of being excited about another activity to do together, Elena is mad that her little sister is copying her newfound hobby. Lucy is torn between excitement about her knack for coding and her sister’s irritation. Can Lucy code a game for the end-of-camp Coding Expo that will change her sister’s feelings about having two coders in the family? Chapter-book readers will enjoy watching Lucy navigate the exciting world of computer coding and the complexities of having an older sister. Illustrations depict characters of color, and Lucy and her family are coded Latinx, though ethnicities are not specifically named in the text.

Explore sister dynamics in this gentle read.

(coding resources) (Fiction. 7-9)