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DINOSAURS by Dan Green


From the Basher Basics series

by Dan Green illustrated by Basher

Pub Date: Oct. 1st, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-7534-6823-4
Publisher: Kingfisher

The umpteenth volume of Basher Basics features a representative assortment of dinosaurs and dino-cousins strutting their stuff.

Grouped into “Veggie Munchers,” “Meat Crunchers,” “High-fliers” and “Water Lovers,” 26 dinos and proto-reptiles each step up in turn to flex their attributes: “I’m one happy swimmer—a fish-chasin’, air-breathin’, fully oceangoin’ reptile. Very ‘plesio’ to meet you!” Bulleted lists of basic facts sandwich each testimonial and add to the typically substantial informational load. Basher’s cartoon portraits, on the other hand, don’t add much beyond cuteness. Though recognizable in general form, the prehistoric creatures all float over monochrome pastel backgrounds and are rendered in a flat, stylized way with the same smooth surface textures and similar squints and smiles. Ten dinos get a curtain call in a small foldout poster at the end. Weather publishes simultaneously.

Green supplies plenty of grist for the dino-mill; Basher’s formulaic visuals, not so much.

(index) (Nonfiction. 8-11)