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by Ged Adamson ; illustrated by Ged Adamson

Pub Date: May 17th, 2016
ISBN: 978-0-553-52243-3
Publisher: Schwartz & Wade/Random

Everything looks great when a myopic dog gets glasses.

Douglas’ poor eyesight interferes with his lifestyle. He chases leaves instead of squirrels, overlooks warning signs, and sometimes even goes “home to the wrong house.” After he mistakes a wasps’ nest for a ball, Douglas’ owner, Nancy (a white girl in a hunting cap with ear flaps), takes him to the eye doctor. Asked to identify symbols on the eye chart, Douglas sees a squirrel as a dinosaur, a cat as a crab, a car as a flying saucer, a bird as a horse, and a leaf as a squirrel. Trying on many pairs of glasses, Douglas finally chooses the perfect ones: “Wow! Everything looks amazing.” Perky, humorous illustrations rely on naïve pencil outlines, watercolor washes, and cartoonlike characters to portray nearsighted Douglas coping with a world he can’t see clearly, punting his way through the eye exam, and adopting different personas to match the glasses he tries on. The double-page spread showing Douglas’ sharp, detailed view of the world through the frames of his new glasses should feel familiar to any spectacles-wearing kid. Photos of “real kids who wear glasses,” with an invitation to “show us how you look in your glasses” by posting a photo on social media, complement Douglas’ life-changing adventure.

A lighthearted introduction to the perks of wearing glasses

. (Picture book. 3-7)