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MEMORIES OF ASH by Intisar Khanani Kirkus Star


From the Sunbolt Chronicles series, volume 2

by Intisar Khanani

Pub Date: March 26th, 2024
ISBN: 9781958051306
Publisher: Snowy Wings Publishing

In the second installment of The Sunbolt Chronicles, Hitomi finds herself grappling with her past and navigating a perilous present.

It’s been almost a year since Hitomi nearly killed herself with her sunbolt, and she’s been secretly training with mage Brigit Stormwind while struggling to recover her lost memories. But Hitomi’s world is soon upended when Stormwind is summoned to stand trial by the High Council of Mages, facing allegations of treason made by Arch Mage Blackflame. Left to fend for herself, Hitomi sets off through the desert in hopes of preventing Stormwind from being imprisoned. Over the course of a journey that’s fraught with danger and discovery, Hitomi’s choices bring her back into contact with friends from the first novel, along with unexpected new allies. Khanani wastes no time plunging readers into the heart of the conflict, weaving a tale that’s both unpredictable and engaging. As Hitomi ventures through diverse landscapes and encounters their inhabitants, the author skillfully incorporates elements reminiscent of the Arab world, adding depth to the story’s worldbuilding. Hitomi’s quest for justice is balanced by her cleverness, making her a protagonist worth rooting for and a hero whose growth feels genuine and earned. With its richly imagined world and compelling characters, this entry is a worthy successor that more than does justice to 2023 series opener Sunbolt.

A thrilling, slow-burn adventure.

(Fantasy. 13-16)