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WHAT'S THE T? by Juno Dawson


The Guide to All Things Trans and/or Nonbinary

by Juno Dawson ; illustrated by Soofiya Andry

Pub Date: June 7th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-72825-406-7
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

A trans guidebook by a prolific trans British author.

Dawson brings her signature breezy style to this nonfiction text. Like most books about the topic, it includes a brief, global history of gender diversity from a White, Western viewpoint; a sampling of medical procedures available for those wishing to physically transition; and advice on dating and coming out. While geared toward teenagers, the voice feels grounded in an adult’s perspective, littered with multiple references to the 2011 song “Born This Way” rather than exploring the new ways youth are understanding gender. Regular use of African American Vernacular English, present in the partially explained title itself, repackages queer Black culture in uncomfortable ways. At times Dawson reveals the limitations of her perspective: She encourages readers to report transphobic violence to the police, baselessly assures them that it’s “very, very rare” to receive a negative reaction after coming out, and calls being triggered “a more polite way of saying ‘pissed off.’ ” The Transgender Hall of Fame miniprofiles and interludes from other trans people attempt to inject a diversity of thought, though they skew heavily toward models and actresses; Caitlyn Jenner is called a “Reality Royal” who’s “occasionally controversial.” Andry’s cartoonlike illustrations are lively, frequently amusing, and depict people with diverse skin tones.

Light in tone and covering much familiar ground.

(resources, reading list, glossary, references, index) (Nonfiction. 13-18)