This second, much improved installment of the Spy Goddess series sends spunky Rachel, partially reformed Beverly Hills princess, to Hawaii in her continuing battle with Simon Blankenship, super-villain. It seems Blankenship believes Rachel, despite appearances, to be the reincarnation of Etherea, an ancient goddess. In his quest to revive the rival ancient god Mithras, Blankenship seeks seven artifacts hidden around the world. As the heroes and villains interact in Hawaii, Rachel is captured, fights against impossible odds, escapes, is recaptured, and escapes again in the usual plot arc. Spradlin finds more success in this second outing by infusing all the action with light humor. Tongue firmly in cheek, he renders Rachel a more attractive character and delivers a lively read for the fans. It’s more a comedy than a thriller, working well as a spoof. Lots of fun—and this time the title makes sense. (Fiction. 12-14)