What's it like to be Regis, morning TV's most popular chatterer? What is his opinion on the barefoot Miss America swimsuit controversy? Who is Regis's favorite actor? These and other more or less urgent questions are answered in this diary/memoir, written with the help of Esquire contributor Zehme. Regis many be only one man, but he gets around. There's lots of bicoastal traveling to host the Emmys and the Magic Kingdom's Christmas parade, dashing off to sign copies of his and Kathie Lee's new cookbook, attending movie premieres, looking for a 25th anniversary present for his wife. And there is his son Danny, born with defective legs that would never walk (and were eventually amputated). Chatty, glib, genial on the page just as he is in person, Regis will no doubt be doing plenty of dashing to sign copies of this for his fans. (24 pages b&w photos, not seen) (First serial to Good Housekeeping and TV Guide; Doubleday Book and Music Club alternate selection; author tour)