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Unearth the Secrets of Your Birthday Gem

by Sarah Glenn Marsh ; illustrated by Hallye Webb

Pub Date: Dec. 6th, 2022
ISBN: 978-0-7624-7929-0
Publisher: Running Press Kids

Facts and fancied qualities associated with 21 birthstones commonly included on current U.S. lists.

Marsh readily admits that the idea of birthstones is ancient and has crossed cultures, but she sticks to what she claims is a standard list developed by this country’s Jewelry Industry Council and last updated in 2016. For each entry, she offers a few bits of information about where the gems are mined and what they look like; the latter is necessary because instead of photos, readers get only painted representations carved and in the rough along with occasional simplified images of bejeweled crowns or other artifacts. Mineralogy and actual mining procedures get spare attention, though the author does acknowledge the existence of “blood” or “conflict” diamonds. Sections of historical anecdotes and superstitious beliefs from “ancient times” then follow, preceding lists of “Uses”—not in, say, industry or fashion but as talismans: “Wearing garnets is believed to inspire a sense of self-confidence.” “Some believe that diamond can clear glaucoma.” “Gray moonstone is believed to help increase a person’s psychic abilities.” Skeptical readers may want to acquire some sardonyx, citrine, turquoise, or black tourmaline, any of which “clears away negative thoughts,” before taking any of this seriously. Webb adds assorted flowers, unidentified human figures (some of whom are people of color), and other vignettes as spot art filler.

Weak in visuals and science, but fascinating for suggestible sorts.

(selected sources) (Nonfiction. 10-13)