A debut novel with an unusual premise based on an ancient Greek story. Lauren Fontaine is a stunning, successful 36-year-old...



A debut novel with an unusual premise based on an ancient Greek story. Lauren Fontaine is a stunning, successful 36-year-old who seems to have it all. She was a rebellious teenager who married young, had a baby, and divorced before most of her friends made it to the altar. But now she's a high-powered executive with friends galore, a terrific relationship with her son, Razz, and plenty of male friends and admirers. One night at a party, Lauren hears the story of Lysistrata--who convinced all the women of Athens to withhold sex from their husbands in order to end a vicious war. The story sits in the back of Lauren's mind until--days later--Congress announces a shocking decision to clear Lawrence Underwood, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, of charges that his extreme physical abuse of his wife caused her to commit suicide after years of misery and degradation. Like all women across America--and the world--Lauren is sickened by the lack of action taken toward Underwood; unlike most women, however, she decides to do something about it. Under the assumption that men will be forced into awareness by a national sex strike, Lauren and her band of feminists convince women everywhere to just say no. In a classic case of bad timing, though, Lauren meets Pulitzer Prize-winning author and stunningly handsome sexpot Jake Ward just before she becomes the ""poster girl"" for abstinence. Sparks fly, but the ensuing ruckus makes for a whirlwind ride and a battle of the sexes the likes of which most of us have never imagined. After a sexless seven weeks, the country--and Lauren--discover that men and women have much to learn from each other and can co-exist beautifully. . . with some careful strategizing.

Pub Date: March 1, 1998


Page Count: 432

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 1, 1998

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