A grandson of the Captain who wrote these letters to his wife has edited the material (privately printed in 1894) which gives a detailed diary of four years of Civil War. Captain Blackford of the Second Virginia Cavalry gives an account of the marches, encampments, actions in which he took part; personal portraits of Stonewall Jackson and Loe the long years of fever and dysentery, cold and hunger, which culminated with the fall of Vicksburg, Chickamauga's ""River of Death"" and Grant's taking of Richmond. Mrs. Blackford records the civilian concomitants of war, the scarcities and inflation, lack of housing and transportation, the death of two children from ""fever"", the premature, stillborn third, ending with bankruptcy and loss of home and belongings....Authentic material with a documentary value, one questions much general interest beyond Civil War literatures addicts, and the southerners who are still figuratively fighting that war.