Among the most controversial topics of our time in the area of government assistance is that of federal aid to private education. That there is a resolution to the apparent dilemma seems to be indicated by a variety of opinions expressed here from divergent sources. Daniel Callahan, associate editor of Commonweal and author of the significant, much-debated Mind of the Catholic Layman, bring together in this collection spokesmen of important points of view on the subject itself. Included among others are George N. Schuater, Nell G. McCluskey, S.J., Philip Scharper Milton Himmelfarb, Magr. O'Neil C. D'Amour, Dean M. Kelly, Virgil C. Blum, S.J., and Martin Mayer. The experience of European countries in dealing with a related situation are explores by men of standing in Great Britain, Italy, West Germany and Austria. The book in general sounds a hopeful note for a consideration on the right of Catholic education to Federal support. It also indicts many Catholics for their failure to recognize their duty to work for the welfare of the public schools. This book should be seriously studied by all those responsible for giving this significant matter the attention it deserves.