Burke's long battle with her weight (she straggled to maintain a svelte starlet's look for years and repeatedly gained sufficient weight to give rise to peculiarly creel criticism and bad jokes) and its role in her gaining or losing roles on television has been played out in the tabloids and on TV chat shows for some time. This breezy but rather jumbled work is part memoir (of her beauty-queen background, long struggle to succeed in Hollywood, and experiences as one of the stars of Designing Women), part photo album (there are 48 pages of black-and-white and color photographs), part advice manual for ""real-size"" women, and part resource guide to shops selling ""real-size"" women's clothes. It's unlikely that women fighting to come to terms with weight problems will find much new or surprising here, but Burke's frank style, and her portrait of the often turbulent backstage life at Designing Women, will likely appeal to fans.