To the authentic annals of Cubeza de Vaca and his expedition from Cuba to Florida to Mexico, Slaughter adds a slight story which is at best serviceable, as the long jungle journey endures- and is endured by Pedro Morales, de Vaca's nephew. The Spaniards set out- Pedro with the memory of the beautiful Dolores and her gamine younger sister Maria; De Narvaez, the unprincipled governor of Florida with the promise of Apalachee gold. But snakes, Indians, fever and thirst are an even more luxuriant reality; a miraculous healing during an epidemic assuages the Indians as well- and Pedro travels on alone with another man- and finally after weeks and months reaches Culiacan, and Maria, who has developed fully by now. News that De Alvaraz is capturing Indians as slaves returns Pedro to action- De Alvaraz is finally taken- the Indians freed---and with the conquest done, whose is the ordeal?