The story of three girls who build their own house on a plot of land near Copenhagen has a bouncy ebullience that may leave...



The story of three girls who build their own house on a plot of land near Copenhagen has a bouncy ebullience that may leave you breathless but not unimpressed. Nell, Olga and Jette are around 14, artistically minded and full of vim, vigour and vitality. Nell is an orphan and doesn't have her Aunt Clara's blessing to go cavorting around with her two friends, but with her uncle's support and the help of an inheritance, earnings, and Danish ingenuity- they build a small dreamhouse from the foundations up. Plotless in a sense, for the concentration is almost solely on the house- but it's a tasty slice of Danish life and youthful enthusiasm.

Pub Date: Sept. 24, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Viking

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 1, 1954

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