Three long-shorts of captivity and escape take place in the Revolution and the Civil War. The Captives follows the...



Three long-shorts of captivity and escape take place in the Revolution and the Civil War. The Captives follows the experiences of two soldiers when they are taken by the Seneca, Mountour, from Pennsylvania to upper New York, made to run the gantlet, become the slaves of the matriarch, Catherine. Their plans to ""pull foot"" come to nothing until one gives his life so the other and a girl captive may go free. Message for Uncle Silly details the escape of the two Union prisoners from the prison at Andersonville, Georgia, when they chance burial as dead men and attempt to travel 120 miles to Sheridan through a country lousy with rebels -- and succeed. Rifleman's Run is the chronicle of an attempted scheme of the American prisoners in the Quebec gaol to work with Benedict Arnold to take the city and its failure after betrayal. But Ben Tyne, a woodsrunner, gets away in a shooting exhibition, and survives a crippling accident, pursuit and hostile Indians to join Arnold in his retreat from Canada. Well paced tales, these are lively footnotes to Brick's previous hisotrical novels.

Pub Date: Sept. 9, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Doubleday

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 1, 1954

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