A hybrid, western- and-or Americana, the somewhat bulkier treatment here does not rule out an action-minded audience and the narrative follows fairly simple lines as it tails a wagon train-rolling west to Oregon in 1847. Andy and Esther Sisson have lost their only child, and the new country will not fill in their loneliness; Thaddeus Morton, a man of means, is to learn that there are many things money will not buy- courage- or the love of his younger wife, Molly; Aaron Davis, the meat-hunter, has left a wife behind- Belle- and while Molly attracts him she cannot cancel out the memory of Belle. Thaddeus Morton loses a horse, along with his pride, on a buffalo hunt- and later his life to the Indians; so does their pilot, Jim Ellis; but Molly gains the love of a younger man, and Davis is ready to acknowledge his mistake and return to Belle when she catches up with him on another train.... Steady, sturdy entertainment.