This interpretation of the Ramayana, the adventures of the Hindu God Vishnu in his earthly life, follows the original texts...



This interpretation of the Ramayana, the adventures of the Hindu God Vishnu in his earthly life, follows the original texts and scriptures, and adds support to Mr. Gaer's already well earned reputation as a religionist. The steps in Rama's life are familiar. There is his unjust banishment from the northern kingdom, the wanderings southward with his beloved Sita, her capture by the wicked Ravan, her recapture with the help of the monkeys and the final triumph of good. It is an exciting story. Mr. Gaer has added good notations, explaining the various extant versions and the evolution from earliest times, in itself fascinating material. Stylized drawings by Randy Monk. Try reading it aloud to the 8 to 11's.

Pub Date: Sept. 16, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Little, Brown

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 1, 1954

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