Internet jargon and capabilities, as presented by Willy, a basic computer nerd, who builds programs and surfs the Web: One day he finds himself sucked by a force out of real time, through his monitor, and into cyberspace. A computer mouse appears and guides him to the Webmaster, who tells Willy he has been summoned to exercise his programming skills to rid the Interact of a fiendish virus. Pixel pals emerge to do battle with body-snatched, morphing bytes that have gone renegade as Willy threads his way to the CPU. Once there, Willy encounters a rather hideous virus and dispatches it with, of all things, a bowl of lime Jell-o. The computer-generated illustrations are brought to life by assembling and donning an enclosed mask, intended to make the book a ""virtual vision 3-D"" experience. It's all gawky fun; it may also be educational.