An above-board story of the Underground Railroad moves out of Fort Scott, Kansas, and across the country as the escape of Little David, to reunite him with his wife, Hagar, is both a test case and an object lesson. For Susan Orr, a Bostonian and widowed, Little David is a matter of personal conscience since her dislike of slavery had prompted her husband's sale of David and Hagar to another man, who had kept David but disposed of Hagar. She contacts Neal Geddes, John Brown's lieutenant, and it is he who takes the frightened, reluctant Negro on the long journey to the Canadian border, while Susan goes South, to find and to buy Hagar whom she finds in the house of a Creole prostitute. The news of David's escape travels more quickly than he doesarouses violent sentiment and the vigilant pursuit of a man named Payne- and the dangers and discomforts of the flight end in Chicago, with his arrest. But a public demonstration frees him- for a future in Canada with Hagar, and Susan returns to Boston to renew her life with Geddes..... A story which is sustained from house to house and station to station by the urgency of the cause and those engaged in it; the handling is at best utilitarian.