This series of episodes in the life of the Hoffmans, an Iowa corn farm family is the latest in Lois Lanski's regional series and again shows the author's ability to capture a people- in their inner feelings, their daily life, and their concern with the methods of their livelihood. Dick, the youngest Hoffman boy and a recuperating victim of rheumatic fever, makes a vital central character. Through him, we are taken directly into the Hoffman household to relive the exciting time when a new tractor arrives; to hear the arguments between his father and his land lord, Uncle Henry, who thinks contour plowing is better than straight row; to harvest the corn and care for the animals. These are quickly moving, fascinating times, but not without their tragedies, the greatest of which is perhaps Dick's as he must realize that he is doing too much, that he must rest solidly for a year or more until he regains his full strength. A moving story that reaches to the 12 and 13 year old age levels.