This clever French novel (pub. 1993) uses the form of an auto-manufacturing company's awards ceremony to create a vivid...



This clever French novel (pub. 1993) uses the form of an auto-manufacturing company's awards ceremony to create a vivid comic picture of organization men and women and their colorfully disorganized personal lives. As each presenter and award recipient speaks, Salvayre, appearing here for the first time, offers brief biographies of supposedly fulfilled and contented employees--while just outside, striking workers threaten to bring the company to its knees. A delicious parody of motivational mumbo-jumbo and corporate smugness, in which solidarity movements and agitators for workers' rights get their comeuppances as well. Sly, stylish, and unusually satisfying.

Pub Date: Sept. 8, 1997


Page Count: 160

Publisher: Four Walls Eight Windows

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 15, 1997

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