The pageant of modern Russia, begun in Hindus' HUMANITY UPROOTED is brought up to date in this latest volume. An extraordinary survey of the accomplishments of the Five Year Plan and a prophecy for the second Five Year Plan. The facts are presented with such a tone of authority, and with such amazing perspective and fairness, that the reader feels, -- ""Here at last is the truth about what is going on, the truth with its sunny side and its shady side."" He analyzes the growth of machine consciousness, the progress toward economic independence, the development in collectivization, the change in the attitude toward play and the arts, the phenomenal increase in general education. And then he examines new human being in process of creation, and the change in point of view on religion, home, family, morals, wealth, freedom. He points out the weak links in the chain, the problems of the Russian human equation. And, finally, he testifies to the defeat of the Russian dream of world revolution. It's a book that stimulates the imagination, and causes the most prejudiced to ponder. Dramatic in presentation and at the time utterly simple and straightforward. Book of Month -- November.