By the author of the excellent Birds and Their Nests, here is another succinctly written first zoology book- on mammals and their feet. A brief explanation of Linnaeus' work and how mammals are classified into three orders by birth and then into categories by traits- prepares the way for the following chapters on mammals with claws, with hoofs and claws, with hoofs, with flippers and with nails respectively. Each chapter is then subdivided into sections on animals with similarities- for instance meat eaters, marsupials or edentates which are all clawed; or the hyrax which has hoofs as well; or the narwhal and manatee which have flippers. All the mammals- from the platypus to the Aye-aye (a primate)- are described in short, often humorous references to their habits, surroundings and the peculiar functions for which their traits adapt them.