Rosina, young daughter of a fisherman who works out of San Francisco Bay, has always longed to go to sea with her father and brothers, but the answer's always the same -- ""no, no Rosina."" She is given various excuses, one of which is that females are bad luck on board. Unable to gain passage by invitation, Rosina finally slips on to the ship and hides until the boat is far out at sea. Her father is enraged when she reveals herself, but begins to bring in the crab nets; at first the crabs are minute, but as the day passes, they get larger; they return to the dock with a good The next day R. is permitted to go with her father once more -- this time as his crew. The ready to read prose is decorated with pictures of the Spanish family and the sea, predominantly in bright orange and turquoise; the flat close-ups of people have less artistic appeal than the sketches of the Bay and sea.