In an entry in the In My Neighborhood series, garbage collectors Sam and Mabel answer children's questions about their work...



In an entry in the In My Neighborhood series, garbage collectors Sam and Mabel answer children's questions about their work as they complete their daily route. It's no simple pick-up; readers will be surprised to learn how garbage is separated for recycling, taken to a transfer station, and compacted for storage in landfills. A discussion of the three Rs--Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle--emphasizes the role that children can play in caring for the environment and gives simple examples of conservation efforts. Cartoon-like illustrations, several offering a wide-angle overhead perspective of Sam and Mabel's track as it rolls along its route, add a humorous touch to a serious topic. This is an informative yet light-handed treatment of the important job of workers who make daily contributions to community health and safety.

Pub Date: April 1, 1998


Page Count: 32

Publisher: "Kids Can Press (85 River Rock Dr., Buffalo, NY 14207)"

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 1998

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