In an entry in the In My Neighborhood series, garbage collectors Sam and Mabel answer children's questions about their work as they complete their daily route. It's no simple pick-up; readers will be surprised to learn how garbage is separated for recycling, taken to a transfer station, and compacted for storage in landfills. A discussion of the three Rs--Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle--emphasizes the role that children can play in caring for the environment and gives simple examples of conservation efforts. Cartoon-like illustrations, several offering a wide-angle overhead perspective of Sam and Mabel's track as it rolls along its route, add a humorous touch to a serious topic. This is an informative yet light-handed treatment of the important job of workers who make daily contributions to community health and safety.
Pub Date: April 1, 1998
Page Count: 32
Publisher: "Kids Can Press (85 River Rock Dr., Buffalo, NY 14207)"