These are a group of four black teen-ager denizens of Harlem who behave with about the same decency as the rodent for which their group is named. Chester, Wolfie, Jumper, and Johnny Apartment get their kicks humiliating fags in Central Park men's rooms, forcing a young girl to go down on them within earshot of her diabetic mother, and inadvertently getting a woman ground to death courtesy of a subway as they try to snatch her pocketbook. All this happens on one urgently ugly night. After crashing a stolen cop car throe of the four finally get caught, leaving Jumper with the bread to bus across the America of his dreams. This tale of a morally meaningless world of random events and unpredictable consequences -- a game of chance in which everyone (except maybe the unknown Man who runs the wheel) becomes the loser -- is neither new, nor shocking, nor edifying.