As the title suggests, a threesome of active babies comparable to those in the team's earlier work, Baby Rock, Baby Roll (1997, not reviewed) star in this beginning book of opposites, in which the text fairly sings: ""Big, baby, big/Small, baby, small/Short, baby, short/Tall, baby, tall."" The babies and one or more of their parents engage in simple movements that make the concepts clear. The ""high"" baby is tossed in the air, ""slow"" baby tries climbing a ladder, ""shy"" baby cowers from a puppet. The cast is multiracial, with parents filling the frames with long limbs and crouched or squatting bodies decked out in boldly-patterned striped and printed clothing. Pale, neutral-toned borders show outdoor city scenes that echo the concepts, e.g., a fast plane flies overhead, a burro slowly pulls a cart. These details may be lost on the very young, but invite investigation by toddlers and older siblings. Lime greens, school-bus yellows, bold pinks, and sunny oranges brighten every page, hoisting babies beyond their conventionally blue and pink pastel worlds. Energetic and sure to inspire chanting along.