A series of articles by doctors and educators, among them Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg, Dr. Rubin, Benjamin Gruenberg, and the...



A series of articles by doctors and educators, among them Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg, Dr. Rubin, Benjamin Gruenberg, and the editor circle the problems of childbearing, childlessness and adoption from the general to the specific. Parenthood today-voluntary and planned, the changing character of the family, which is diminished, and the changing status of the parents, the physical aspects of sterility, its causes, diagnosis and treatment, and the psychosomatic factors in what may only be ""functional""; fertility, and its wider implications of overpopulation in the world of the future; artificial insemination; adoption; genetics and the Mendelian law- the material here is authored by eminent people in this field and should be hopeful and helpful for those concerned. Lawrence Galton's New Facts For the Childless Crowell-1953) although only dealing with the physical factors in childless marriages, will have absorbed part of the market here.

Pub Date: March 4, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Doubleday

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 1954

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