The American Revolution and after, as it determines the life of Jason Marrack, this is nonetheless a rather uncharted...



The American Revolution and after, as it determines the life of Jason Marrack, this is nonetheless a rather uncharted narrative in which the sober speech and sturdy character of the period steady the rather circumstantial events. Jason's parents who refuse to take sides in the conflict leave Connecticut for New York, and Jason- after their house is burned- follows them there and meets Honesty, as outspoken as her name, with whom he falls in love. But his intentions are undeclared- to his parents if not to her; her father sends her away during Jason's illness, and he cannot find her. The Marracks go on to a new settlement in Nova Scotia; Jason's father dies, and then his mother; but his devotion to the memory of Honesty is repaid with her arrival there- and he marries her. Their life together is serene- until, oddly enough, the man she had married out of necessity rather than love during the war-turns up, dying of consumption, and she spends his last months caring for him- until she can resume her life with Jason.... Dogged and deliberate- and dull, the appeal here is one of virtue, rather than valor, and the rewards are more questionable.

Pub Date: Feb. 15, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Bouregy & Curl

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 1, 1954

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