Subtitled ""The NAACP and the Communist Party in Conflict"", this book is one of a series on the subject of ""Communism in American Life"" sponsored by the Fund for the Republic. Since Negroes, as an exploited minority, were always a prime target for the Communists, and since the CP could only thrive in this area at the expense of the NAACP, and vice-versa, a study of the policies and achievements of the one organization can tell us much about the development of the other. Mr. Record has divided the period 1919-1962 roughly into four decades and has attempted to combine the methods of both history and sociology in his investigation. He has organized his material on the basis of the CP programs, because the shifts there were so abrupt and obvious, often comically so, while the changes in NAACP aims and strategies were much more gradual. A final chapter discusses more recent and more militant groups such as the Black Muslims, CORE, SNCC, and SCLC in relation to the NAACP, which Mr. Record assumes will continue as ""the premier Negro protest movement in the United States,"" while the Communist Party, he believes, ""at least for the time being, belongs to the historians"". So, unfortunately, does his volume; it is at once too speculative and too specialized to be of much use to anyone else.