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FLYING FEET by Anna Marlis Burgard


A Story of Irish Dance

by Anna Marlis Burgard & illustrated by Leighanne Dees

Pub Date: March 17th, 2005
ISBN: 0-8118-4431-5
Publisher: Chronicle Books

“Inspired by a true event,” says the dust jacket, as one morning in Ballyconneely two strangers appear, to vie for the job of dance teacher in the village. Michael is slick and dapper; Aidan rough-hewn and windblown, but both are grand dancers indeed. Each chooses a tune for the other to dance to, and the competition takes them from a plank door laid on the ground to a barrelhead to a stone wall. Aidan finally trumps it all by dancing “The Cooley Races” on top of a cottage chimney, until he flies into the air with the power of his steps. (A lift-up page captures the event.) The illustrations recall the colors of the Irish countryside well, but the artist is less successful with the figures, who have blunt, undistinguishable features and ungraceful limbs. The dancers’ feet, however, seen from many angles, are an interesting focus. (note, pronunciation guide, bibliography) (Picture book. 5-9)