In this second installment of an SF series, humans and aliens try to rescue thousands of abducted earthlings.
In his last adventure, travel agent Timothy met Jed, an investigator who regularly travels across the universe. After the two teamed up to thwart intergalactic human trafficking, Timothy was ready to return to his Earth job. But as numerous earthlings are still missing, Jed’s brother, Napoleon, asks for Timothy’s assistance in finding the kidnapped humans. Viola, the dominant female at an intergalactic station, needs Timothy’s help as well: She’s worried about five youngsters, including an infant, whose safe travel she’s paid someone to ensure. Meanwhile, four Australian physicists at a symposium in Chile are among the abducted humans on their way to the other side of the universe. Humans are a “valuable commodity” who, most likely, become slaves on other planets. But it’s soon clear that the kidnappers may be planning something much worse for the earthlings they’ve captured. Timothy and Napoleon hope to reunite with Jed, who’s out on his own tracking the abductees. And they have a chance at succeeding, thanks to the handful of allies they’ve amassed. While this series’ first volume centered on Timothy and Jed, Book 2 highlights new and returning players to great effect. The story opens with a character named Capt. Kandley, whose young human prisoner helps her survive a snowy planet—a scene that pays off at the end. The abundant players and subplots fuel the narrative’s steady momentum and ultimately intersect with a few surprises. Along with scientific elements (like a menacing black hole), there are indelible genre moments, from betrayals to a character’s newfound compassion. Although Years recaps quite a bit of the preceding installment, readers may want to peruse that novel first.
A worthy sequel with a motley band of intriguing human and alien characters.
(author bio)