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'Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince': The Kirkus Review by

'Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince': The Kirkus Review


While charting teenage infatuations and friendships with a wry wit that occasionally tumbles into outright merriment, Rowling tucks in several revelations (notably, the secret to Voldemort’s seeming immortality), adds a dash of sympathy for Malfoy (of all people!), who does indeed turn out to be part of an ugly scheme, and further develops Snape’s role as a pivotal character. Then, after a heartrending test of Harry’s loyalty to Dumbledore, Rowling propels the plot to a climax that is—thanks to artful pre-pub preparation—tragic, but not uncomfortably shocking. This newest excursion into the Potterverse will leave readers pleased, amused, excited, scared, infuriated, delighted, sad, surprised, thoughtful—and likely wondering where Voldemort has got to, since he appears only in flashbacks. There’s no doubt, however, that he’ll figure prominently in what promises to be a spectacular finish.