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THE WAR AGAINST GOD by Carl- Ed. Carmer



Publisher: Melt

A book was published by the author of Address Unknown (Taylor Kressmann), entitled Until That Day (See P. 388-1942) which brought home to its readers the infamy of ""the war against God"" as waged in Nazi Germany. Now comes this factual record, a symposium which presents, not only the evidence from Germany itself, but from the occupied territories, from the Far East, from spiritual and educational leaders here and in England. I found the first third of the book the most interesting, for here, in the words of Hitler and Rosenberg and a nameless Nazi soldier, and Niemoeller, and the pastoral letters of the German bishops, and the expanders and interpreters and recorders comes the massed data proving that this is indeed a ""war against God"". Missionaries and politicians and reporters speak, as well as key people in the know. I confess to having felt that ""democracy's answers"" and the answers from the spiritual leaders were idealistically and morally inspiring, but that they lacked the ""how to do it"" that would make one feel that the Christian Church was finding its place in the aggressive forces. The book, however, should prove a challenge to that very thing -- the need for the Church to do more than state its case. The Carl Carmer foreword was not included in the galley proof. It will, doubtless, point up the significance of the excellent selection he has made for inclusion in this book.