Katie continues her superhero sidekick training while dealing with friendship jealousy.
The only thing better than getting trained to be a sidekick by the Mousetress (aka her neighbor Ms. Lang) is getting to do it alongside her best friend, Beth. Or so Katie thinks until Beth’s skills are immediately, naturally better than her own. Beth has also been getting extra chummy with Marie, Katie’s skateboarding friend, making Katie feel left out. At school, Katie’s friend Jess is acting distant, and at home, it’s getting harder to keep her superhero life a secret from her mom. Meanwhile, robots are attacking New York City, and Katie believes she knows the villain responsible—and his real identity. The third installment of the Katie the Catsitter series treads the same ground as its predecessors: It’s another funny and exciting story grounded by real emotions and conflict that utilizes easy-to-navigate panels full of simple yet colorful and expressive art. Some side plots in this entry feel more like page fillers than meaningful additions, but existing fans will find enough of the charm and humor from the earlier books to latch onto. The sheer silliness of the many cats, each with a special expertise, continues to delight. Katie is White; other characters bring racial diversity to the cast.
Follows the formula established in the previous books for guaranteed success.
(sketches, meet the creators, friendship bracelet instructions) (Graphic fiction. 8-12)