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UNLOCK YOUR LEADERSHIP by Damaris Patterson  Price


Secrets & Straight Answers on Standing Out, Moving Up, and Getting Ahead as the Leader You Really Are

by Damaris Patterson Price

ISBN: 978-1-5439-8871-0
Publisher: Working River Leadership Consulting

Strategies for employees stuck in leadership limbo.

Many career-advice books are packed with principles but lack practical applications, but leadership consultant and debut author Price delivers both in this book. It addresses a question that vexes employees who see colleagues get promoted over them: “Why not me?” Effectively drawing from almost three decades of experience in human resources and executive coaching, the author brings readers into the den of corporate decision-makers and shares what drives—and what can torpedo—promotions. In order to advance, the author says, one must be perceived as leadership material, and she delves deeply into that topic. She dispels the myth that strong job performance is automatically a winning lottery ticket and shows how being the boss’s favorite doesn’t necessarily lead to career advancement. She examines more than 50 leadership behaviors and offers some surprises along the way, such as aligning one’s personal values with those of a company as a promotion strategy. Price’s approach is heavy on introspection, but she considers leadership an active pursuit (“It’s a choice. You have to do leadership”) and expects innovation from job seekers. Her guidelines are reminiscent of a road map, offering alternate routes to raising one’s leadership level. Price will present a principle, illustrate how it does or doesn’t work, clarify it with diagrams or case studies, offer strategic insights and insider tips, and effectively tie everything together with written exercises. She then challenges readers to apply the principle in the workplace and to not be afraid to experiment. Throughout, she follows the setbacks and successes of four theoretical employees at various hierarchical levels, which helps to give the book an appealingly chatty tone. But although Price’s conversational writing style makes for easy reading, one shouldn’t plan to devour the book over a weekend. To fully digest and benefit from her advice may take longer—but it will be time well spent by anyone who’s striving for a corner office.

A practical, in-depth guide and the closest thing to having a personal career coach.