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GREEN RUSH by Daniel J. Mallinson


The Rise of Medical Marijuana in the United States

by Daniel J. Mallinson & A. Lee Hannah

Pub Date: July 16th, 2024
ISBN: 9781479827930
Publisher: New York Univ.

A comprehensive assessment of the conflicting marijuana policies across the U.S.

As of the end of 2023, 38 states have legalized the medical use of marijuana and 23 have legalized recreational use. Mallinson and Hannah, academic specialists in political science and public policy development, delve into the sea change in marijuana policy from prohibition to acceptance. While the federal government has shown little interest in changing long-standing policies, state governments have blazed their own trails, pushed by interest groups and activists. The specific arrangements vary widely among states, and Mallinson and Hannah explain the reasons behind many of these decisions. The strangest aspect of any policy discussion of marijuana is that it remains illegal at the federal level. It is listed as dangerous and addictive under the Controlled Substances Act, which dates back to 1970. Since the mid-1990s, presidents have mainly turned a blind eye to state policies, especially because in many states, liberalization has occurred through ballot initiatives such as referendums. In some cases, legalizing marijuana for medical reasons has led to recreational use, but there are numerous counterexamples. The authors remain guarded about their own policy views, but they suggest ways to address the anomaly, ranging from changes to the Controlled Substances Act that would allow marijuana to be regulated like alcohol to broad decriminalization. It should be said that anyone who approaches this book expecting to find ringing advocacy for national marijuana legalization will be disappointed. The authors provide a detailed examination of how public policy is made, and readers interested in this field will find it to be a useful, layered case study. Within this context, the authors have many useful things to say, but anyone seeking pro-marijuana advocacy should look elsewhere.

With insightful research, Mallinson and Hannah unravel the patchwork of marijuana policy across the country.