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From the Strangeville School series, volume 1

by Darcy Miller ; illustrated by Brett Helquist

Pub Date: Dec. 7th, 2021
ISBN: 978-0-593-30950-6
Publisher: Random House

New fifth grade student Harvey Hill discovers Strangeville School more than lives up to its name.

After attending four different schools in the space of four years, Harvey is familiar with the role of new kid. However, he’s not prepared for the bizarre and peculiar happenings that Strangeville students and staff find routine, like dangerous animals on the loose, a black hole in the cafeteria meatloaf, and mysterious disappearances orchestrated by a sinister force. Thankfully, he has classmate Stella Cho to help him navigate these increasingly surreal situations. Stella and Harvey can both relate to feeling like outsiders. Stella hides her loneliness behind defensive armor, while Harvey’s barrier in making friends is due to a closely guarded secret. The two initially stumble through their friendship but soon learn the value of camaraderie and support. Harvey’s self-acceptance is empowering and allows him to reach new heights to save the school. While the plot is solidly sci-fi, real-world issues like insecurity, friendship, and embracing what makes you different ground the story. The deadpan third-person omniscient narration, which includes frequent asides to readers, is infused with quirky and irreverent humor. Short, action-packed chapters and abundant illustrations add to the appeal. Harvey reads as White; Stella’s surname cues her as Korean American. Final illustrations not seen.

Wonderfully weird and extremely entertaining.

(Science fiction. 7-11)