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Publisher: John Knox

In 1964, the Christian Century magazine initiated a series of articles by younger theologians on the general subject, ""How I am making up my mind."" The intent was to learn how the newcomers in the field of theology were proceeding with original, constructive work. Eighteen of the contributions appearing in the magazine are gathered here, and are introduced by Dr. Martin Marty. The points of view represented range from the three principal representatives of the ""God is Dead"" group--Altizer, Van Buren, and Hamilton--through various shades of thought found in such men as Harvey Cox, Claude Welch, Ogden, Gustafson, R. McF. Brown, and others. Father Gregory Baum O.S.A. and Mr. Daniel Callahan provide Roman Catholic offerings. The brevity imposed by the limits of magazine writing means that none of these contributions can give a very complete or systematic statement of any author's theological position. Taken, however, as personal reports they will give the reader some idea of the range of theological discussion going on today. The style, in most instances, makes the writing available to the lay reader.