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THE FUR BRIGADE by Dickson Reynolds



Pub Date: March 30th, 1953
Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls

The early nineteenth century, the Hudson's Bay Company and the broad expanse of Oregon territory background a routine historical adventure that has to do with young Angus Gordon's journey to Vancouver with a fur brigade. A Hudson's Bay apprentice. Angus goes with Wilson's pack train to a new job out west. When Wilson has an accident and Angus must lead, there's the jealousy of an Indian and a half breed to reckon with, a decision whether or not to befriend some American immigrants, and the question of risking a fight when a usually friendly tribe plays a temporary trick. At Vancouver Angus is cleared and honored. But echoing some of the along-the-trail social and political arguments, he sees no future in the fur industry and turns his thoughts to shipping.