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A NATURAL HISTORY OF TREES: Vol. I by Donald Culross Peattie



Pub Date: Oct. 10th, 1950
Publisher: Houghton, Mifflin

For those who read American Heartwood (see 1949 bulletin file -P. 453) it will be no surprise that Donald Peattie is now launched on his major project, his natural history of American trees, and that he brings to this not only a profound love of trees, but scholarship -- a naturalist's scientific approach --and a gift for injecting even straight factual material with something of drama and color, humanity and history. This first volume covers northwestern United States, Eastern Canada, south of the Appalachians, and deals with native trees. It is intended for amateur or botanist- as an extensive handbook. In addition to specific catalogue of data aiding identification, he discusses something of the part certain kinds of trees have played in America's growth, their ways of growing, their values, their range, and so on. Some of the inclusions go beyond what the layman thinks of as trees to include sumachs, rhododendron and laurel, and some other marginal species.