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ALIENS FROM SPACE by Donald E. Keyhoe



Pub Date: Nov. 16th, 1973
Publisher: Doubleday

It is unclear whether the purpose of this book is to convince the skeptic of the existence of other world visitors (and attendant dangers thereof) or simply to debunk Air Force debunkings of UFOs. PR concerns drag down this former Marine Air Corps pilot/Civil Aeronautics Commission member and now director of NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) into a battle with the CIA-sponsored ultrasecrecy classification of flying saucer and alien visitor material, the point of which is to show how idiotic the Air Force is and hence to puff the NICAP. The AF does come across as remarkably stupid (charging experienced pilots both military and non, as well as public figures such as Barry Goldwater with confusing Venus or lightning bugs or swamp gas or balloons with vehicles up to several hundred feet long traveling at velocities of several thousand miles per hour). And a good case is made for officially alerting the public to the existence of these objects, if only to prevent utter panic if and when they show themselves in force. However, as this polemic is concerned primarily with cover-up, the various UFO sightings (the source of interest for most readers) are brought in undramatically and unchronologically, leaving the reader lost in a confusing repetitious barrage of names and dates. As for the government or branches thereof, it takes more, in this era, than lies or stupidity to shock or even interest us.