In this silly, off-kilter tale, fourth-grader Wilson discovers a long-lost uncle who happens to be a real-life pirate. He comes complete with pistols, a peg leg and a talking penguin. Uncle Pirate sets out to find a job, one day accompanying Wilson to his bizarrely topsy-turvy school. The teachers are more than inept, the principal hides under his desk, the classrooms are chaos and recess evokes images of Lord of the Flies. To get the school ship-shape, Uncle Pirate deploys a combination of pirate-speak—“mollymockery” and “arh”—and good-hearted intimidation—“Which of you scurvy mop buckets knows that word?” When all is said and done, Uncle Pirate has a job: He transforms teachers and students into happy sub-pirates and the school into a place of learning. Auth’s comical illustrations add to the witty tone. A great middle-reader for any young landlubber who likes a good yarn and believes everyone deserves a chance. (glossary, song) (Fiction. 7-10)