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OUT OF MY LIFE AND THOUGHT: A Revision by Dr. Albert Schweitzer



Publisher: Henry Holt

The last two years have brought Dr. Schweitzer into the public eye in the most extraordinary way. Revivified interest in his own writing, in books written about him, in his amazing personality and story and achievements, in the inspiration of his supreme faith and reverence for life, have given him stature in the eyes of those to whom he was unknown earlier. An Alsatian, a trained musician, educated as a theologian, he suddenly experienced an overpowering sense of ""call"" to the African mission field, not as a minister, but as a doctor. He took his training, served his internship, and went out to the African jungle, there to establish- some thirty years ago- a jungle hospital. This is not a detailed story of his experience, but rather a searching of his mind. Interpolated into a text which baldly states the bare bone facts of his career are passages of his other writings, his research into the life of Jesus, of Paul, his philosophy, his musical adventure (for he was not only a skilled musician, but an expert on bringing new life to old organs). He might have been at the top of whatever profession he chose. What he chose was a life of dedication to primitive people. He writes that he accepted the sacrifices involved, only to find it bread upon the waters, as he was able to win again the financial independence he had abandoned, through his music and his pen. He has made successive trips ""home"" to Europe -- one, to be sure, as a prisoner of war, during World War I. A mystic, a scholar, a great human being, he has become a symbol to those who have followed him. He has brought this book up to the period of World War II, and a postscript has briefly outlined present happenings. He has turned down numerous opportunities to come to America, but in mid-July he is coming to make an address at Aspen, Colorado, on the occasion of the Goethe Bicentennial Convocation. Use this as a tie-up with display of the books about Dr. Schweitzer as well as his own writings.