A pelican explores an Earth that humankind has all but destroyed in this debut eco-fiction novel.
Young Kai wants to be the fastest pelican alive. His latest kick is “speed diving,” and his father’s insistence to be more careful doesn’t deter him. Kai yearns for something beyond his Anacapa Island home. He decides his destination is the Magical Mountain. This place, once the Creator’s home according to pelican lore, has lost its magic thanks to humanity’s destruction of nature. Still, Kai leaves his family behind to search the mainland, aka the Endless City (read: California). Along the way, he chats with many animals (mostly avian) and teams up with Pancho, a Baja-based blue-footed booby. Sadly, they witness some of the worst human-caused destruction and pollution. But when a heavy storm forces its way to the coastline, Kai does what pelicans have long been taught—he helps others as much as he can. Duncan P. Forgey’s strong environmental message makes an impact as Kai and Pancho witness the extreme degradation of the planet. The duo’s interactions introduce a lively cast to readers, including ospreys, albatrosses, a more ominous one-eyed raven, and sea lions. Kai evolves from a naïve youngster to a mature pelican as he and the ever reliable Pancho get a panoramic view of radiant landscapes. For example, they bask in the sea’s “blue horizon” and the sunrise’s explosion of colors (even “man’s floating trash” spawns a “purple-gray haze”). The novel is rounded out by striking black-and-white artwork from B. Duncan Forgey, the author's nephew, featuring the woeful eyes of a spotted owl and the whiplike tail of a thresher shark popping out of the ocean water.
Avian characters inspire in this appealing environmental tale.