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MODERN APOCRYPHA by Edgar J. Goodspeed



Publisher: Beacon Press

This is a much needed book by a Biblical scholar long and widely known for his ability to make Biblical truths and insights understood by men of today. In the many years of his writing and teaching Dr. Goodspeed has often been called upon to give his expert opinion as to the authenticity and value of many writings both dealing with Biblical subjects and persons and claiming equal antiquity or special revelation by virtue of which they bid for attention and consideration at least equal to that given to the Bible itself. With great skill, and the patience of a literary detective, Dr. Goodspeed destroys the false claims made for these various documents by a dispassionate examination of the condemning facts of their history as well as the transparent ulterior motives revealed by a scrutiny of the language and argument of the documents themselves. Much of his debunking has been done before, but it is good to have this material between the covers of one convenient book, for these ""modern apocrypha"" are hardy perennials; they keep appearing year after year, and the material to combat them has never before been conveniently at hand. Bible students and clergy particularly will be grateful to Dr. Goodspeed for a good work well done.