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Life Insurance : a Critical Examination by Edward Berman

Life Insurance : a Critical Examination


Publisher: Harper

Don't sell this to any customer who sells life insurance -- unless you warn him first that it went make him very happy. For here is an exposÉ of the reasons back of the high cost of life insurance, in big salaries, excessive costs of management and overhead, large commissions; statistics as to number of policies terminated, of profit to the companies in various directions where the buyers suffer. The author discusses various types of insurance, straight life, endowment, retirement policies, etc. He shows what to look for, and what constitutes soundest buying. He recommends savings bank insurance above all the generally accepted forms. Certain companies come in for heavy punishment -- i.e. Actna and Travelers, particularly. Convincing and challenging. The markets Men and women interested in buying insurance; companies considering taking out group insurance; insurance men who want to know the lowdown, and who are anxious to raise the standards of their own business.