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KALENA AND SANA by Esme Rideout Booth



Pub Date: Oct. 1st, 1962
Publisher: McKay

Kalena was published in 1958 (see report p. 418-J-130). This sequel continues after this gap in time to tell of the subsequent marriage and career of the older Kalena of the Congo; one wishes fervently that this hands-across-the-sea gesture were a success. Unfortunately the slick teen romance treatment waterlogs the good intentions. After graduating with honors from her school, Kalena was able to realize her dearest wish -- to marry Sana, recently graduated from medical school. Her marriage brings her to the city where she teaches and broadcasts children's stories in French and Swahili; adjusts to city life, so different from that of the village; and looks forward to the birth of her baby. A rambling story pleasant enough (although the tale of an uncomfortable pregnancy is unusual in a juvenile), but Kalena and her circle seem to live in a vacuum -- there are rumours of war, hints of an African city and its people, but all is too gemutlich for a vigorous, warring new nation. We found the earlier book a disappointment, and frankly recommend it for intent only.