This serves as both a biography and background on recent history. The attractive personality and admirable career of the...


CARLOS P. ROMULO: Voice of Freedom

This serves as both a biography and background on recent history. The attractive personality and admirable career of the Philippine nationalist who rose to become President of the United Nations is a story made for hero worshippers. His position as a Philippine nationalist nevertheless loyal to U.S. democratic principles is clearly set forth and serves to untangle the always touchy question of U.S. territorial control of his country which was intensified by the setbacks of the Japanese occupation during World War II. Mr. Romulo's political career at home, during the war years in exile and as an international negotiator with the U.N. were years that were also spent saying the uncomfortable, unpopular things that had to be said about race prejudice, making Mr. Romulo a ""voice of freedom"" on many fronts. An admiring biography of an admirable man. But no replacement for I Walked With Honoes.

Pub Date: April 24, 1964


Page Count: -

Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 1, 1964

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