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BOYSI HIMSELF by Glenn Allan



Pub Date: April 1st, 1945
Publisher: Samuel Curl

Short stories from the SEP, of the ubiquitous houseboy and cook, Boysi, whose interventions in family crises always land him in hot water with his employers, but always save the day. There is a broken romance, his boss' little fling during his wife's absence, the problem of wartime boarders, and visiting servicemen, the boss' business worries, the jealousy of possible helpers or other servants. Boysi has his spasmodic mutinies, his own methods of forcing his boss into child guidance, persuading the family to remain friendly with their new neighbors, rehabilitating a veteran, of being permitted to raise an orphan. Snatching miracles from continual disasters, Boysi proves his ability as cook and expert manipulator, and a very definite individual. Unpretentious household stories.